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Let God Teach You
As you begin to seek the ways of God, one of the most important things to remember is that God wants to teach you. He teaches you by His Word, the Bible. The Bible is not just a book, it is the true Word of God. In fact, the Bible tells us that the Word is God. So when you read the Word, God is speaking to you. He is teaching you. So make sure you have a Bible, and I encourage you to read it daily. If you don’t have one, I would love to send you our ‘New Birth Packet’, which includes a free Bible, a journal and a New Birth Bible Study.
Just click here to order. It’s absolutely free!
I am assuming you are new to the Bible, so beginning in the New Testament is a good place to start. That would be in Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. The New Testament is where you will begin to learn about the life of Jesus.
Here is a short video on Bible Basics that will help you understand more about the Bible and teach you to navigate through the pages.
Trust God’s Word
Whenever you hear a teacher or preacher, you should be able to verify what they teach in God’s Word. Do not just trust what they say. The Bible teaches us that Satan, the deceiver (the enemy of God), can come as an angel of light – meaning, the teaching may seem like the truth, but it could also be a half truth or a total lie. Satan is the father of lies.
I know this is a lot to take in so early in your journey, but Jesus warns us throughout the Scriptures not to be deceived.
There are so many false teacher in the world today so you need to be so careful. We can learn many things from others, but you always want to make sure you can verify their teaching in the Word of God. If you know God’s Word you will have less chance of being deceived.
Pray and Ask God for Understanding
Remember, as you read, God is teaching you. Listen not just with your head, but with your heart. Reading and studying the Bible is how you will begin to know God’s voice. The best way not to be deceived is to know God’s Word.
God Had a Plan
All mankind was born with a sinful nature due to the fall of our first parents, Adam and Eve. This sin separated all of us from a Holy God. But God took on human flesh so that he could bring us back into relationship with him and forgive our sin.
To give you just a very simple overview of God’s plan, watch this short animated video. Hopefully this will give you a basic understanding of why we need to a Savior.
Ask Jesus to Be Your Savior
Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the first step in this spiritual journey. There are no special words for you to say. It is truly a heart thing and is by faith alone. If you are ready to turn from your old way of life [repentance] and allow Jesus to guide and lead you according to His will for your life, then just talk to Him. Share your sins and your sorrows with Him and ask for His forgiveness. It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you’ve done – just come as you are. By faith, believe he hears you.
Believe and Be Baptized
Jesus tells us that in order to see the Kingdom of God or enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again of water [water baptism] and the Spirit [Spirit baptism].
I encourage you to be water baptized, in Jesus name, as soon as possible. You don’t need to belong to a church to be baptized. Find a listing in your area for a Pentecostal or Apostolic church. Call and ask if you can come and be baptized in Jesus name.
It is also important to ask Jesus to baptize you with His Holy Spirit. He will give you the evidence of a new language or tongue – this is how you will know. If you don’t receive the evidence right away, that’s alright. Keep seeking and asking. Many people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit when they are water baptized.
The Good News
The gospel of Jesus is ‘Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand’. It is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ that brings salvation to all who believe. Applying the death [repentance], burial [water baptism] and resurrection [Spirit baptism] to your life is saving faith!
We are living in a time when truth is hard to find, even in the traditional churches of today – so take these first foundational steps of faith and the Holy Spirit of the Lord will indwell you, teach you, guide you, comfort you, provide for you, and protect you with wisdom and knowledge of His ways. This is the “good news”.
To learn more, click here to watch our Growing in God’s Love Seeker Series. Begin with Lesson 1.
You can also click here for our One Minute Messages.
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